Morgan Spano on Oct 4, 2022

Alt: Controller, EtherNet/IP
NRG Controller with EtherNet/IPTM Communication, Use with NRG Solid State Relays (RGC1x60CMxxGEN) and NRG Internal BUS Cables (RCRGN-xxx-2)
Carlo Gavazzi has launched the NRG Series of EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, and Modbus Communication Controllers with real-time monitoring of solid state relays!
The NRG Series is designed for real-time communication with a controller, allowing machine builders to make informed decisions, solve urgent problems on short notice and aid in the design of autonomous machines.
By interfacing with machine controllers and PLCs across EtherNet/IP, PROFINET and Modbus networks, the NRGC-EIP, NRGC-PN and NRGC Controllers, seamlessly exchange data to achieve industrial digitalization.
The NRG Series provides an all-in-one solution for fast switching, accurate monitoring, and high-speed communication, all of which are critical to predicting equipment failures, reducing unplanned stoppages, and optimizing overall performance.
Features of the NRGC-EIP, NRGC-PN and NRGC Controllers include:
RG...D...N solid state relays are single phase, AC zero cross SSRs, 4-32VDC control, up to 660VAC, 90AAC switching.
RG...CM...N solid state relays are single phase, AC zero cross SSRs, default control through communication interface or DC control, up to 660VAC, 90AAC switching. Also has selectable switching modes - ON/OFF or power control (burst, distributed or advanced full cycle).
Take a look at RGC series solid state relays here.
The NRG Series is the best choice for real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance to reduce overall maintenance costs and machine downtime.
Features Include:
Morgan Spano on Oct 4, 2022