UIRT/C-K-280F, UnShielded
Infrared T/C, K Type, 280°F/140°C, Stainless Steel, 1:2 FOV, Pre Calibrated, Unshielded
Alt: 150050
Micro IRt/c, Stainless Steel; 1:2 FOV; Shielded K t/c Cable, 280°F/140°C, Linear from 240-330°F
The world’s only self powered infrared thermocouple. Pre-calibrated IRt/c's are best for low temperatures (< 500 °F) and non-metal or coated metal surfaces.
No active electronics, so these passive devices can not fail.
Mean Time Between Failure reports have been documented with a rate of >1,000 years between failures. The patented technology separates the IRt/c from all other non -contact temperature products. Our Exergen sensors will minimize downtime and increase your production.
The IRt/c family of pre-calibrated IRt/c's includes:
Features Include: