


Circuit Breaker, 2-Pole, C-Curve, 0.2 Amp, UL489, 10kA, Branch Circuit Protection, Molded Case

1.00 LBS
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Altech® UL489 miniature molded case circuit breakers offer the highest rating in the industry for their type and have been engineered to deliver reliable performance in a wide range of applications. Ratings are 32A/480Y/277VAC, 63A/240VAC (one of the highest).

Typical applications include transit, communications, battery systems, UPS systems, cranes, among others.

When you need branch circuit protection, Altech offers UL489 Miniature Molded Case Circuit Breakers in both AC and DC voltages. The AC version offers dual voltage rated circuit breakers at 0.2-63A/240VAC and 0.2-32A/480Y/277VAC in 1-3 poles. Altech is the only company that offers a 14kA, 20A C curve single phase breaker at 277V AC. The DC version offers 0.2-63A at 125V (1 pole) and 250V (2 pole).

Molded case circuit breakers (also called MCCB's) automatically interrupt the current flowing through it when the current exceeds the trip rating of the breaker.

Amp Rating See Spec
Circuit Breaker Type UL489
Poles 2 Pole
Series L Series
Short Circuit Capacity 10kA
Trip Curve C Curve
Warranty 1 Year
Weight 1